Доска объявлений в Эстонии / Недвижимость / Гостевые дома, квартиры / В Пярнумаа возле моря, в деревне Уулу продаётся действующий гостевой дом
    • Имя представителя:
    • Должность представителя:
    • Телефон: +37253535351
    • Адрес: Эстонии, Пярну, Уулу, 86502 Pärnu County
Статус объекта:
Адрес: Эстония, Пярну
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Комплекс находится в сосновом лесу, в 150м от моря, в 16 км от центра Пярну, в 500м от магазина в Уулу.
Комплекс центра отдыха Ностальгия состоит из главного здания площадью 440 м², где есть баня и 13 комнат для размещения (45 спальных мест): 6 комнат 4-х местных и 6 комнат 2-х местных и 1 комната семейная (с двухспальной кроватью и 2 детскими).
В здании имеется просторный каминный зал с видом на море. Зал может использоваться как для конференций и банкетов, так же, при желании, для занятий йогой. Рассчитан на 50 человек. Оснащен: столами, стульями, проектором, экраном, доской с фломастерами.
Имеется полностью меблированная кухня, где можно готовить пищу самим. В наличии 2 холодильника, электрическая плита, микроволновая печь,2 чайника, 2 кофеварки, тостер, блендер, миксер,
посуда и все необходимое.
Санузел включает в себя 2 туалета (мужской и женский), 2 душа, стиральная машинка.
Банный комплекс состоит из сауны, душевой и комната отдыха. Вечер с баней и угощением из местной кухни (по договоренности), обеспечат приятные впечатления и послужат хорошим завершением дня.
Рядом с домом имеется открытая веранда с мангалами и садовыми столиками.
«Männi Puhkemaja» предлагает питание по предварительному заказу, как традиционное, так и вегетарианское.
На территории «Männi Puhkemaja» находится баскетбольная/волейбольная площадка, а так же диск-гольф.
Комплекс отдыха находится рядом с туристической тропой, отсюда хорошо совершать пешие и велосипедные походы.

A recreation complex close to Pärnu, Estonia city border by Uulu-Ikla highway and the sea is being offered.

The complex is located on a 6065m² immovable that has been well maintained. According to www.ehr.ee, the surface of the one-floor building is 395m² and its function is an accommodation-recreation house with an outdoor terrace. The building consists of recreation rooms, a festive and fireplace hall, sauna rooms, a kitchen and washing rooms-toilets.

The immovable further includes a 26 m² outdoor swimming pool, a 45 mA recreation complex close to Pärnu city border by Uulu-Ikla highway and the sea is being offered.
The complex is located on a 6065m² immovable that has been well maintained. According to www.ehr.ee, the surface of the one-floor building is 395m² and its function is an accommodation-recreation house with an outdoor terrace. The building consists of recreation rooms, a festive and fireplace hall, sauna rooms, a kitchen and washing rooms-toilets.

The immovable further includes a 26 m² outdoor swimming pool, a 45 m2 shed, 2 playgrounds, a parking area and a highly furbished green area around the building with pine forest. Forest land for 3642m².

The complex has been renovated about 10 years ago.
¤ new electricity wiring
¤ 900 L warm water boiler
¤ French drain
¤ combined heating in the house
¤ cold water from own bore well
¤ electricity energy capacity 43 A
¤ Telia digi-tv and internet cabling
The location is attractive because the infrastructure is well developed. Visitors can move through the pine forest as the crow flies by a lit cycle and pedestrian track directly to Pärnu beach, Uulu centre is ca 700 m away; also, a kindergarten, shop and bus stop are within 1 km.
In winter, the roads are snow-free.
The closest possibilities for spending leisure time are in the popular Lotemaa, the golf course and the riding base.
Dining places include Pärnamäe bakery.
If you would like to start business activities yourself, all possibilities for this have been created here!
Come here, because it is here you will get the real feel!
13 rooms
General surface 395,5 m² shed, 2 playgrounds, a parking area and a highly furbished green area around the building with pine forest. Forest land for 3642m².

The complex has been renovated about 10 years ago.
¤ new electricity wiring
¤ 900 L warm water boiler
¤ French drain
¤ combined heating in the house
¤ cold water from own bore well
¤ electricity energy capacity 43 A
¤ Telia digi-tv and internet cabling

The location is attractive because the infrastructure is well developed. Visitors can move through the pine forest as the crow flies by a lit cycle and pedestrian track directly to Pärnu beach, Uulu centre is ca 700 m away; also, a kindergarten, shop and bus stop are within 1 km.
In winter, the roads are snow-free.

The closest possibilities for spending leisure time are in the popular Estonian Lottemaa, the Pärnu Bay golf course and the riding base.

Dining places include Pärnamäe bakery.

If you would like to start business activities yourself, all possibilities for this have been created here!

Come here, because it is here you will get the real feel!

In summary
House is located at the seaside
13 rooms
General surface 395,5 m²
Plot size: 6065 m²

Request more information: Igor Volkov, +372 53535351 or parimkodukv@gmail.com

Vaata seda pakkumist!

Mereäärne kodu männimetsa all!
www.ehr.ee andmetel on tegemist elamuga. Ostjal on võimalus soetada see vara kodulaenuga.

Võimalik siia looduskaunisse asukohta rajada omale kodu või alustada äritegevust kodumajautusena. Tegemist on elamumaa kinnistuga, millel on kehtiv detailplaneering. Küsi planeeringu kohta lisainfot!

Pakkumises on Pärnu linna piirist u 9 km mööda Uulu-Ikla maanteed sõites mere lähedusse jääv puhke kompleks.
Kompleks asub 6065m2 suurusel hooldatud ja hoonestatud elamumaa kinnistul. www.ehr.ee andmetel on ühekorruselise hoone pindala 395 m2 ja hoone funktsioon on majutusasutus-puhkemaja koos väliterrassiga. Hoone koosneb puhketubadest, peo- ning kaminasaalist, saunaruumidest, köögist ja pesuruumidest-tualettidest.

Lisaks asub kinnistul 26 m2 välibassein, 45 m2 kuur, 2 mänguväljakut, parkimisala ja muu kõrg- ning madalhaljastatud roheala hoone ümbruses koos männimetsaga. Reljeefselt mägist metsamaad on kokku 3642 m2.
Kompleksi on umbes 10 aastat tagasi renoveeritud.
¤ Uus elektrijuhtmestik
¤ 900 L soojavee boiler
¤ Imbväljak
¤ Majas on kombineeritud küte
¤ Külm vesi oma puurkaevust
¤ Elektrienergia võimsus 43 A
¤ Elektriamprite jagamine ja maa-ala sisepiiride mõõõdistus jääb Müüjate kanda.
¤ Telia digi-tv ja interneti kaabeldus
Asukoht on atraktiivne just selle poolest, et infrastruktuur on hästi arenenud. Külastaja saab linnulennult läbi männimetsa kulgeda mööda valgustatud ja osaliselt asfalteeritud kergliikusteed otse Pärnu randa, Ehitatud on uus sild üle Uulu kanali. Uulu keskus on u 700 m kaugusel, samuti lasteaed, kauplus ja bussipeatus jäävad 1 km raadiusesse.
Talvisel ajal on lumevabad teed.
Lähimad vabaaja veetmise võimalused on populaarsel Lotemaal, golfiväljakul, ratsabaasis jpm.
Söögikohtadena Pärnamäe pagar.

Lisamärkus-Kinnistule on tehtud detailplaneering, mille kohaselt oleks võimalik sinna ehitada 2 ühekorruselist kortermaja 8 korteriga.
Hea investeering ja arendusprojekt!
Huvi korral küsi lisa!

Kui soovite alustada ise äritegevust, siis on selleks siin kõik võimalused loodud!

Tule kohapeale, sest siis alles saad õige tunnetuse kätte!

A recreation complex close to Pärnu, Estonia city border by Uulu-Ikla highway and the sea is being offered.

The complex is located on a 6065m² immovable that has been well maintained. According to www.ehr.ee, the surface of the one-floor building is 395m² and its function is an accommodation-recreation house with an outdoor terrace. The building consists of recreation rooms, a festive and fireplace hall, sauna rooms, a kitchen and washing rooms-toilets.

The immovable further includes a 26 m² outdoor swimming pool, a 45 mA recreation complex close to Pärnu city border by Uulu-Ikla highway and the sea is being offered.
The complex is located on a 6065m² immovable that has been well maintained. According to www.ehr.ee, the surface of the one-floor building is 395m² and its function is an accommodation-recreation house with an outdoor terrace. The building consists of recreation rooms, a festive and fireplace hall, sauna rooms, a kitchen and washing rooms-toilets.

The immovable further includes a 26 m² outdoor swimming pool, a 45 m2 shed, 2 playgrounds, a parking area and a highly furbished green area around the building with pine forest. Forest land for 3642m².
The complex has been renovated about 10 years ago.
¤ new electricity wiring
¤ 900 L warm water boiler
¤ French drain
¤ combined heating in the house
¤ cold water from own bore well
¤ electricity energy capacity 43 A
¤ Telia digi-tv and internet cabling
The location is attractive because the infrastructure is well developed. Visitors can move through the pine forest as the crow flies by a lit cycle and pedestrian track directly to Pärnu beach, Uulu centre is ca 700 m away; also, a kindergarten, shop and bus stop are within 1 km.
In winter, the roads are snow-free.
The closest possibilities for spending leisure time are in the popular Lotemaa, the golf course and the riding base.
Dining places include Pärnamäe bakery.
If you would like to start business activities yourself, all possibilities for this have been created here!
Come here, because it is here you will get the real feel!
13 rooms
General surface 395,5 m² shed, 2 playgrounds, a parking area and a highly furbished green area around the building with pine forest. Forest land for 3642m².

The complex has been renovated about 10 years ago.
¤ new electricity wiring
¤ 900 L warm water boiler
¤ French drain
¤ combined heating in the house
¤ cold water from own bore well
¤ electricity energy capacity 43 A
¤ Telia digi-tv and internet cabling

The location is attractive because the infrastructure is well developed. Visitors can move through the pine forest as the crow flies by a lit cycle and pedestrian track directly to Pärnu beach, Uulu centre is ca 700 m away; also, a kindergarten, shop and bus stop are within 1 km.
In winter, the roads are snow-free.

The closest possibilities for spending leisure time are in the popular Estonian Lottemaa, the Pärnu Bay golf course and the riding base.

Dining places include Pärnamäe bakery.

If you would like to start business activities yourself, all possibilities for this have been created here!

Come here, because it is here you will get the real feel!

In summary
House is located at the seaside
13 rooms
General surface 395,5 m²
Plot size: 6065 m²

Request more information: Igor Volkov, +37253535351 or parimkodukv@gmail.com

Гостевые дома, квартиры / Недвижимость, В Пярнумаа возле моря, в деревне Уулу продаётся действующий гостевой дом в Эстонии, Пярну, Эстонии, Пярну, Уулу, 86502 Pärnu County

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