- Имя представителя: Дмитрий Ярославович
- Должность представителя: senior Sales Manager
- Телефон: +372 5370 53-11
- Адрес: Maardu tee 57, 74115 MAARDU, Estonia
Адрес: Эстония
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Hello. I represent Mallory Group . We are an ambitious team that manufactures and sends for wholesale shipment of ecological fences from a palisade, we help in arranging vineyards (we make supports for them - chamfering and sharpening are also included in the price), we manufacture any products related to wood. You can order lumber and wood for decoration from us. Material: East European pine, autoclaved (Grade 4), service life over 50 years. You can independently choose the processing method and tell us about your business. We are ready to supply large volume according to your request. We are ready to provide 1 shipment at a discount for our customers. If you are interested in cooperation, I would offer a connection in the zoom conference format to discuss all the points or in any form convenient for you.
I will send you a catalog, price list and our official website.
Have a good day!
I will send you a catalog, price list and our official website.
Have a good day!
Организации Эстонии, Mallory Group OÜ в Эстонии, Maardu tee 57, 74115 MAARDU, Estonia
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- 7-06-2023, 01:06
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