- Имя представителя: Yureskul Viktoriia
- Должность представителя: export manager
- Телефон: +372 5372 30-32
- Адрес: Nurmevälja1, Maardu, Estonia
Адрес: Эстония
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Shipping, a leading supplier of raw fish and producer of fish products,
operating on the Baltic States market and exporting to more than 11 other
countries Established 27 years ago in Estonia, the company does
commercial fishing with estimated volume of 5000 tons per year
Shipping is the only company in Baltic states with the full vertical
integration, that allows it to control the complete production cycle from
fishing, and processing to producing the ready to eat products for retail
Shipping, a leading supplier of raw fish and producer of fish products,
operating on the Baltic States market and exporting to more than 11 other
countries Established 27 years ago in Estonia, the company does
commercial fishing with estimated volume of 5000 tons per year
Shipping is the only company in Baltic states with the full vertical
integration, that allows it to control the complete production cycle from
fishing, and processing to producing the ready to eat products for retail
Организации Эстонии, DGM Shipping AS OÜ в Эстонии, Nurmevälja1, Maardu, Estonia
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- 7-06-2023, 03:27
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